Test Bookings / Test Swaps
Test Bookings
ZED School is now registered to book driving tests on behalf of our students. Approved Driving Instructors have access to a special online portal which allows us to book tests on behalf of their students. If you would like assistance booking your test then please speak to your instructor.
Sadly we are unable to magically get a test date for you and, just like you, we are limited to what test slots are available at the local test centres. We're good, but we can't perform miracles! :-)
Test Swaps
If you have a test date booked for a long time in the future, your instructor might be able to help you to get an earlier date by swapping the test with another student. We maintain good relationships with other driving instructors all over Sussex, and we can often find tests in unexpected places. Please speak to your instructor if you would like to explore this option.